
Various marine mammals

2023-04-18 19:34:03 176

Marine animals that are warm-blooded, viviparous, and nurse their young with breast milk are called marine mammals. They can also be called wild beasts in the ocean.

Whales are mammals in the ocean. There are many types of whales, ranging from large to small. The largest one is called the blue whale, which is more than 30 meters long and weighs more than 160 tons. It eats 2 tons of food every day. Therefore, the blue whale is the largest animal on earth. Whales breathe with their lungs. Scientists have proven that whales are animals that originally lived on land and then returned to the ocean. It is said that it "returns" to the ocean because theoretically their earliest ancestors also emerged from the ocean. Whales can hold a breath underwater for 5 to 10 minutes. Some can hold it for an hour. When the whale comes to the surface to take a breath, the pressure of the exhaled exhaust gas is very high, and the water column is as high as a geyser, which is more than ten meters high, which is very spectacular.

The marine animal closest to humans in terms of intelligence is the dolphin. The sea peck is also a member of the cetacean family and is a small whale. Dolphins can be trained by people, obey their orders, and perform tasks underwater.

Sea lions, seals, walruses, fur seals, manatees, and sea otters are all mammals. The ugly-looking manatee has a very charming name in China - "Mermaid". The scientific name of "Mermaid" is Dugong, which sounds very elegant. Dugongs live in the tropical oceans of Asia and are found along the coast of the South China Sea in my country. They tread the water with their tail limbs, exposing half of their bodies, and hold their babies with their forelimbs on the sea surface to feed them. From a distance, they look like a young woman breastfeeding her child. Chinese literati saw them and named them "mermaids".

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