
Diversity of Insecta (33 orders identified)

2023-03-17 00:59:49 211

The Insecta class not only has a wide variety of species, but also has extremely diverse morphological structures. Therefore, there are many classification systems. Different taxonomists have different opinions, and they are not yet completely unified. The system of 2 subclasses and 33 purposes commonly used in the world and China is introduced as follows. The summary of the characteristics behind each order is mainly compiled and modified based on the popular science poems published by Professor Yang Jikun.



 Protura (Xolotl)

 Diplura (tailed worm)

 Colembola (Springtail)


Pterygoid< span style="color:#000080"> Pterygota

 Ephemeroptera (Ephemeroptera)

 Thysanoptera (thrips)

 Odonata (dragonfly, damselfly)

 Homoptera (cicada, etc.)

 Plecoptera (stonefly)

 Hemiptera (stink bug, stink bug)

 Blattodea (cockroaches, cockroaches)

 Euryptera Megaloptera (mudflies, etc.)

 Mantodea (mantis)

 Raphidioptera (snake fly)

 Orthoptera (locusts, etc.)

 Neuroptera (lacewings, etc.)

 Phasmatodea (stick insects, etc.)

 Coleoptera (beetle)

 Gryllobattodea (Grilloides)


 Isoptera (termites )

 Mecoptera (scorpion fly)

 Embioptera (Threaded ants)

 Trichoptera (caddisfly)

 Zoraptera (Zoraptera)

 Lepidoptera (butterfly, moth)

 Dermaptera (earwig)

 Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

 Psocoptera (booklice)

 Siphonaptera (fleas)

 Mallophaga (bird lice, etc.)

 Hymenoptera (bees, ants)

 Anoplura (lice)

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