
How to care for your barn animals in stardew valley

2024-12-27 14:12:51 42

Caring for barn animals in Stardew Valley is one of the most rewarding aspects of the game. Not only do these adorable creatures contribute to your farm’s income, but their happiness also adds a layer of strategy to managing your farm. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned farmer, understanding how to care for your barn animals will help you maximize your profits and enjoy the process.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about barn animals in Stardew Valley, from feeding and housing to optimizing their happiness and productivity.

Why Barn Animals Matter in Stardew Valley

Barn animals are a critical component of your farm's ecosystem. They provide valuable products like milk, cheese, and wool, which can be sold for profit or used in crafting. Additionally, maintaining happy barn animals improves the quality of their products, boosting your farm’s income.

Investing time and resources into your barn animals ensures a steady flow of high-quality goods while adding charm to your farm life.

Types of Barn Animals in Stardew Valley

In Stardew Valley, your barn can house a variety of animals, each with unique products and requirements. Here's a quick breakdown:

Basic Barn Animals

  • Cows: Produce milk (regular and large).

  • Goats: Produce goat milk (regular and large).

Big Barn Animals

  • Sheep: Produce wool, which can be turned into cloth.

  • Pigs: Dig up truffles when allowed outside.

Deluxe Barn Animals

  • Ostriches (with Ginger Island update): Produce ostrich eggs.

Each animal type requires a specific level of barn upgrade and care to thrive.

Building and Upgrading Your Barn

Step 1: Building Your First Barn

To start raising barn animals, you'll need to construct a barn. Visit Robin at the Carpenter's Shop with the following materials:

  • 6,000g

  • 350 Wood

  • 150 Stone

Step 2: Upgrading Your Barn

Upgrading your barn unlocks more animal types:

  • Big Barn: Allows goats, costs 12,000g, 450 Wood, and 200 Stone.

  • Deluxe Barn: Adds sheep and pigs, costs 25,000g, 550 Wood, and 300 Stone.

Upgrades also include an auto-feed system, making it easier to care for animals.

Feeding Your Barn Animals

What Do Barn Animals Eat?

Barn animals eat either:

  • Hay: Harvested from grass or purchased from Marnie's Ranch.

  • Grass: Animals will graze if allowed outside.

How to Feed Barn Animals

  • Manual Feeding: Place hay in the feeding troughs inside the barn.

  • Auto-Feed System: Deluxe Barns automatically distribute hay.

Tips for Winter Feeding

During winter, grass isn’t available, so stockpile hay during other seasons by:

  • Building a silo to store hay.

  • Cutting grass with a scythe.

Maximizing Animal Happiness in Stardew Valley

Happy animals are more productive, so focus on their care and environment.

Key Factors for Happiness

  • Daily Petting: Use the interact button to pet each animal.

  • Feeding: Ensure they’re fed every day.

  • Shelter: Keep them indoors during rain or winter.

  • Freedom: Let them graze outside on sunny days.

Building Fences for Grazing

Build fences to create safe grazing areas. This prevents animals from wandering too far and keeps predators away.

Harvesting Products from Your Barn Animals

Each animal provides unique products:

Milking Cows and Goats

  • Use the Milk Pail to collect milk.

  • Larger milk requires higher friendship levels.

Shearing Sheep

  • Use the Shears to collect wool from sheep.

Collecting Truffles from Pigs

  • Let pigs roam outside to find truffles.

Ostrich Eggs

  • Collect from ostriches in deluxe barns.

Increasing Friendship with Your Barn Animals

Friendship determines product quality. Here’s how to boost it:

  • Daily Interaction: Pet each animal.

  • Consistent Feeding: Never let them go hungry.

  • Heaters in Winter: Place heaters in the barn to keep animals warm.

Seasonal Care for Barn Animals

Each season brings unique challenges:

  • Spring, Summer, Fall: Allow grazing and ensure a clean barn.

  • Winter: Keep animals indoors, use heaters, and ensure plenty of hay.

Barn Management Upgrades

Auto-Feed System

This system distributes hay automatically, saving time.


Deluxe Barns include incubators for ostrich eggs.


Available at Marnie’s Ranch, heaters improve animal happiness in winter.

Profit Optimization for Barn Animals

Focus on High-Value Products

  • Truffles from pigs are highly profitable.

  • Cheese (cow or goat milk) sells for more than raw milk.

Artisan Goods

Turn milk into cheese and wool into cloth for better profits.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Neglecting Animals

Unhappy animals produce low-quality goods.

Forgetting Winter Preparations

Without enough hay, animals will starve in winter.

Not Upgrading Your Barn

Upgrades unlock valuable animals like pigs and ostriches.

Stardew Valley Barn Animals Summary Table

AnimalProductHousing RequirementKey Care Tips
CowsMilk, Large MilkBasic BarnDaily petting, consistent feeding
GoatsGoat MilkBig BarnUpgrade barn, feed daily
SheepWoolDeluxe BarnShear regularly
PigsTrufflesDeluxe BarnLet them graze outside
OstrichesOstrich EggsDeluxe Barn with IncubatorCollect eggs regularly


Caring for barn animals in Stardew Valley is about more than just feeding and housing them. It’s about building a relationship, optimizing their environment, and making smart upgrades. With the tips in this guide, you’ll ensure your barn animals stay happy, productive, and profitable year-round.

So, grab your Milk Pail and get ready to create the barn of your dreams!

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