Frogs (Anura) are typical amphibians that can live in water and adapt to terrestrial environments. Compared with mammals that rely on lungs to breathe, frogs have a more complex respiratory system and can flexibly use a variety of breathing methods according to different environmental conditions. So, how do frogs breathe? What are the differences between their breathing methods underwater and on land? This article will analyze frogs in detail from the aspects of their physiological structure, breathing mechanism, and adaptability to different living environments.
Frogs belong to the Anura of the class Amphibia. Like salamanders, toads and other animals, they have the ability to adapt to amphibious environments. Their body structure has undergone important changes during evolution, especially the diversity of the respiratory system, which enables them to adapt to different ecological conditions.
Unlike mammals, frogs not only rely on lungs for breathing, but also can exchange gases through skin and oral mucosa. Therefore, the breathing methods of frogs mainly include:
Gills Respiration - The larval stage of frogs (tadpoles) mainly breathes through gills.
Cutaneous Respiration - Adult frogs can directly absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide through their skin.
Buccal Respiration - Gas exchange using the capillaries of the oral mucosa.
Pulmonary Respiration - Adult frogs mainly rely on lungs to breathe on land.
Because frogs' ecological habits require frequent switching between water and land, different breathing methods will change during the frog's life cycle.
After hatching, frog larvae (tadpoles) live in water and rely entirely on gills for breathing. The gill structure of tadpoles is similar to that of fish, and is divided into external gills and internal gills:
External gills: In the early stage of hatching, the gills of tadpoles are exposed to the outside of the body, and gas exchange is carried out through direct contact with the water.
Internal gills: As the tadpoles grow, the external gills are gradually covered by skin, and the gill filaments in the gill cavity are responsible for absorbing oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.
Tadpoles continuously inhale water through their mouths, allowing water to flow through the gill filaments. The capillaries in the gill filaments extract oxygen from the water and expel carbon dioxide from the body.
Since gills can only function in water, as tadpoles develop further, they will gradually grow lungs and begin to perform skin respiration and lung respiration to adapt to life on land.
The skin of a frog is one of its most important respiratory organs, especially in water or humid environments, the skin can directly exchange gases. The skin respiration of a frog has the following characteristics:
Moist skin: The skin of a frog is covered with a layer of mucus to keep it moist, which helps oxygen dissolve and enter the blood.
Rich in capillaries: The skin is full of capillaries, which can efficiently exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Can breathe underwater for a long time: Even when hibernating or immersed in water for a long time, frogs can still survive by breathing through their skin.
The dissolved oxygen in the water enters the capillaries through the frog's moist skin.
The carbon dioxide in the blood diffuses to the surface of the skin and is released into the water or air.
When frogs lurk at the bottom of the water, skin respiration allows them to stay in the water for a long time.
During hibernation, frogs rely entirely on skin respiration to maintain a minimum metabolism.
The mucous membrane inside the frog's mouth is rich in capillaries, which can be used for gas exchange. Especially when resting or holding breath for a short time, oral respiration can be used as a way to supplement oxygen.
Frogs constantly expand and contract their oral cavity to allow air to enter and exit the oral cavity.
The oral mucosa absorbs oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
Although oral breathing has limited effects, it is still very important for maintaining the frog's short-term oxygen supply.
Unlike the complex alveolar structure of mammals, frog lungs are relatively simple, mainly composed of air sac-like lobes on both sides, and there are some partition structures inside the lung wall to increase the gas exchange area.
Frogs do not have a diaphragm, so they rely on the movement of the larynx to push air in and out of the lungs.
When inhaling, frogs inhale air through their nostrils, then close their nostrils and compress their mouths to allow air to enter their lungs.
When exhaling, frogs contract their abdominal muscles to squeeze air out of their lungs.
When on land, pulmonary respiration is the main way to supply oxygen.
When frogs perform strenuous movements (such as jumping), pulmonary respiration provides more oxygen support.
When frogs are in water, they mainly rely on skin breathing to obtain oxygen, while reducing the activity of the lungs.
When frogs are active on land, the lungs play the main respiratory function, while skin and oral breathing play an auxiliary role.
During hibernation, frogs do not use their lungs, but rely completely on skin breathing to maintain metabolism to a minimum.
The way frogs breathe varies with the environment. From larvae to adults, they experience gill breathing, skin breathing, oral breathing and lung breathing in sequence. This flexible breathing mechanism enables frogs to survive in different environments and show amazing adaptability.
In water, they mainly rely on skin breathing, while on land they rely on lung breathing. This feature fully reflects the evolutionary advantage of amphibians, enabling them to survive in a variety of ecological environments.
animal tags: frogs