
Buck-toothed mixed-breed dog takes the internet by storm

2023-04-10 08:29:39 191

A few days ago, a Chihuahua-Dachshund mixed-breed dog named Tuna became popular on the Internet, attracting 375,000 fans, and he even has his own online fashion store.

Tuna suffers from severe overbite and mandibular dysfunction, which makes her look like she has buck teeth and a wrinkled chin. It was therefore discarded by its original owner. Despite this, after his owner Courtney adopted him in 2011, he doted on him, took all kinds of cute photos and posted them on the social photo app "Instagram".

To Courtney’s surprise, many people loved this “unique” looking puppy. Now Kourtney has also opened an online store, specializing in various T-shirts, cups, iPhone cases and other items with Tuna's face printed on them.

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