
What are invasive animals? Understand their impact on ecosystems

2024-09-18 21:41:16 83

Invasive animals, also called exotics or exotic species, are animals that are introduced into new environments outside of their native habitats and have a negative impact on local ecosystems. These animals are able to rapidly reproduce and spread in new environments, often resulting in the destruction of native species and ecosystem functions. This article will take a closer look at what invasive animals are, their characteristics, impacts, and what to do about them.

What are invasive animals?


Invasive animals are species that are not native to a particular area and have been introduced into a new environment through natural migration or human activities. These animals often lack natural enemies, competitors, or control mechanisms in their new environment, so they are able to reproduce and expand rapidly, often causing serious disruptions to local ecosystems.


Invasive animals usually have the following characteristics:

  • Rapid reproduction: Invasive animals usually have high reproductive capacity and can quickly increase their population in a short period of time.

  • Adaptability: These animals can adapt to new environmental conditions and use existing resources to survive and reproduce.

  • Impact on ecosystems: Invasive animals often destroy the survival and reproduction of native species through competition, predation or other means, and change the structure and function of the ecosystem.

Impacts of invasive animals on ecosystems

1. Threat native species

Invasive animals often compete with native species for food, habitat, or other resources, resulting in threats to the survival of native species. For example, foreign predators may prey on young or adults of native species, causing their populations to decline.

2. Change ecosystem structure

Invasive animals change the overall structure and function of ecosystems by altering food chains, affecting plant growth, or destroying habitat structure. For example, invasive plant species may change the chemical properties of the soil, thereby affecting the growth of native plants.

3. Spread disease

Some invasive animals may carry new pathogens or parasites that may be transmitted to native species, causing disease outbreaks. For example, some invasive mosquito species can spread new diseases, such as West Nile virus.

Examples of invasive animals

Here are some typical invasive animals and their impacts on ecosystems:

European rabbitEuropeAustraliaDestroy vegetation, leading to a decrease in native plant species
Asian carpAsiaNorth AmericaCompete with local fish food and affect water ecology
American blue snakeNorth AmericaAustraliaPrey on local birds and reptiles, affecting local species
Red-bellied squirrelNorth AmericaUnited KingdomCompete for food resources and threaten local squirrel populations
Big-headed snakeSouth AmericaGalapagos IslandsPredation on native tortoises and other reptiles

Measures to deal with invasive animals

1. Monitoring and early warning

Monitor new invasive species so that appropriate measures can be taken before they have a significant impact on the ecosystem. Establish an early warning system to promptly detect and control the spread of invasive animals.

2. Control and management

Take physical, chemical or biological control methods to reduce the number of invasive animals. For example, control the population of invasive animals by capturing, trapping or using biological control agents.

3. Restore ecosystems

Restore ecosystem functions damaged by invasive animals through measures such as vegetation restoration, habitat restoration and reintroduction of native species.

4. Public education and participation

Improve public awareness and understanding of invasive animals, encourage everyone to participate in prevention and control and management, and reduce the introduction and spread of alien animals.

The impact of invasive animals on ecosystems is far-reaching. They not only threaten the survival of native organisms, but also change the structure and function of ecosystems. Through monitoring, control and restoration measures, we can reduce the negative impacts of these animals and protect the health and stability of ecosystems.

Alien invasive animals in various countries

The following are some known alien invasive animals and their distribution and impact in countries around the world. They bring a variety of ecological problems in different environments.

Country/RegionInvasive Alien AnimalsOriginImpact
United StatesAsian carpAsiaCompete with local fish food resources, causing imbalance in aquatic ecosystems
AustraliaEuropean rabbitEuropeDestruction of vegetation and agriculture, leading to the extinction or endangerment of native species
United KingdomGrey squirrelNorth AmericaCompetition for habitat and food resources with native red squirrels, leading to a decline in the number of red squirrels
New ZealandRatWorldwidePrey on eggs and chicks of native birds, causing some bird species to become endangered or extinct
South AfricaSulphur-crested cockatooAustraliaCompetition with native bird habitats, causing damage to crops
BrazilAmerican bullfrogNorth AmericaPrey on amphibians and small invertebrates, threatening native biodiversity
CanadaRed imported fire antSouth AmericaThreat to human health, damage to ecosystems
SpainZebra musselBlack Sea and Caspian Sea regionsBlock water supply systems and hydropower facilities, leading to a decline in the number of aquatic life
IndiaAfrican giant snailAfricaDestroy crops and spread plant pathogens
JapanWild boarEuropeDestroy farmland and forests, threaten local biodiversity
ArgentinaEuropean rabbitEuropeDestroy agriculture and ecosystems, threaten local species
Hawaii (United States)BullfrogNorth AmericaPrey on local amphibians and insects, threatening local ecosystems
ItalyZebra musselBlack Sea and Caspian Sea regionsDestroy aquatic ecosystems, clog water pipes, and damage fishery resources
FranceAlligator snapping turtleNorth AmericaPrey on fish and amphibians, destroying aquatic ecosystems
ChinaAfrican giant snailAfricaDestroy crops, affect local ecosystems and agriculture
ChileWild boarEuropeDestroy forest vegetation and threaten local wildlife
PhilippinesCane toadCentral and South AmericaPrey on local species, toxicity threatens other animals, and destroys ecosystems
IndonesiaNile tilapiaAfricaCompetition with local fish resources, resulting in a decline in the number of local fish
SingaporeGreen iguanaCentral and South AmericaDestroy garden plants and habitats, posing a threat to native species

Impacts of invasive animals:

Invasive species can spread rapidly and cause great damage to native species and ecosystems through competition, predation or the spread of diseases. They not only damage agriculture, forestry and fisheries, but can also have serious impacts on human health and the economy. Therefore, countries are actively taking measures to prevent the invasion and spread of alien species.

Which country is most affected by invasive alien animals? Those measures

One of the countries most affected by invasive alien animals is Australia. Australia has a unique ecosystem and isolated geographical location. Having been isolated from foreign species for a long time, native species lack the ability to resist foreign invaders. Here are some of the key invasive alien animals and the measures Australia has taken to control them:

Impacts of invasive alien animals on Australia

  1. European Rabbit

    • Influence: European rabbits were introduced in the 19th century and have rapidly multiplied, destroying vegetation, causing soil erosion, and threatening the survival of multiple native plant and animal species.

  2. Feral Cats

    • Influence: Feral Cats Preys on native Australian birds, reptiles and mammals. Their predation has led to a sharp decline in the number of many native species, and even species extinction.

  3. Cane Toad

    • Impacts: Cane toads were originally introduced to control pests, but they quickly spread and had an impact on local Wildlife poses a huge threat because they are poisonous and animals that prey on them are often poisoned to death.

  4. Red Fox

    • Impact: Red foxes prey on small native mammals and birds and are one of the main causes of extinction of many native species in Australia.

  5. Feral Camel

    • Impact: Feral camels disrupt Australia's arid ecosystems, destroying water sources, plants, and even infrastructure.

Control measures taken by Australia

The Australian government and environmental agencies have taken a variety of measures to control the spread and impact of invasive alien animals. These measures include:

  1. Physical capture and eradication

    • For many invasive species, Australia has adopted direct capture, hunting or trapping to reduce their numbers. For example, the number of feral cats and red foxes is controlled by setting traps and organizing targeted hunting activities.

  2. Biological control

    • For European rabbits, Australia has successfully introduced viruses such as **MyxomatosisandRabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHDV)** to reduce the number of rabbits by spreading diseases. These biological control methods have greatly reduced the size of rabbit populations.

  3. Chemical control

    • Use targeted poisons and chemicals to control the spread of invasive species. For example, poisons are used to control the red fox population, and chemicals are used to reduce the breeding area of cane toads.

  4. Fences and isolation

    • Constructing predator-proof fencing is an effective way to protect native species in Australia. These fences can isolate native species from invasive predators and create safe habitats.

  5. Public Education and Community Engagement

    • Australia actively promotes public education activities to raise people's awareness of alien species and encourage local communities to participate in the management and control of invasive species. Especially in rural and remote areas, the government and non-governmental organizations have carried out workshops and activities to help local residents identify and deal with invasive species.

  6. Legislation and Policy

    • Australia has a series of biosecurity laws, which strictly restrict the introduction of alien species and impose heavy penalties on violators. For example, Australia prohibits individuals from bringing in alien animals or plants without permission.

Other severely affected countries

In addition to Australia, New Zealand, the United States and South Africa are also countries seriously affected by alien invasive animals. New Zealand's ecosystem is particularly sensitive to invasive species, such as rats and possums, which pose a great threat to its unique bird species. The United States faces challenges from invasive species such as Asian carp and crape myrtle mussels, and the government responds through physical control, biological control and legislation.

Australia is one of the countries most affected by invasive alien animals, and its unique ecosystem faces great challenges. Through a combination of biological control, physical control, chemical means and public education, Australia is actively responding to this global issue. The implementation of these measures has not only helped Australia protect its unique biodiversity, but also provided important reference for other countries to deal with invasive alien species.

animal tags: European-rabbit Rat Green-iguana Wild-boar