Mergus squamatus
Scaly-sided Merganser,Mergus squamatus,Chinese Merganser,Scaly-sided Merganser
Features:A species endemic to China, with red beak and legs
The Chinese merganser is a winter guest in Suzhou, China. In late autumn, it migrates from the north to the reed ponds in the Taihu Lake Basin to avoid the cold and overwinter. Usually, the Chinese merganser moves in a family manner and only gathers in large groups before migration. They merge with...

Anthropoides virgo
Anthropoides virgo,Demoiselle Crane,Lady Crane
Features:There is a tuft of white ear feathers behind the eye that is very eye-catching. There are relatively few of them in my country, and it is a very rare and uncommon bird.
The Demoiselle Crane is the smallest crane. It is blue-gray in color, with black eyes, sides of the head, throat and front neck. There is a white ear tuft behind the eyes that is very eye-catching. The black feathers on the front neck are extended and hang on the chest. The feet are black, and the w...

Grus japonensis
Grus japonensis,Red-crowned Crane, Japanese Crane, Manchurian Crane,Crane, Red-crowned Crane, White Crane, Mantilla
Features:The legendary crane, known as the "God of the Wetlands", is often painted together with pine trees as a symbol of longevity.
The red-crowned crane is a large wading bird with a bright red head and distinct black and white bodies. It has very distinct features and is easy to identify. The skeleton of the red-crowned crane is hard on the outside and hollow on the inside. It is 7 times stronger than human skeletons. When mig...

Grus grus
Grus grus,Common Crane,Thousand-year-old crane, black crane, sweet potato crane
Features:The grey crane is the most numerous and widely distributed species of crane in the world, with an existing population of over 700,000.
Grey cranes are large wading birds with obvious identification characteristics in the wild. They have very long necks and legs, and their feathers are mostly gray. The bare skin on the top of the head is bright red, and there are sparse black hair-like short feathers. There is a gray-white vertical...

Grus monacha
Grus monacha,Hooded Crane,Pot Crane, Black Crane, Nun Crane
Features:The white "head" is very conspicuous, and most of the body is gray-black, making it easy to identify.
The white-headed crane is a large wading bird with a long neck, beak, and legs. It is gentle, alert, and timid. It has a white gray coat and a snow-white neck. It migrates in spring from late March to late April and arrives at its breeding grounds in late April and early May. It migrates in autumn f...

Grus nigricollis
Grus nigricollis,Black-necked Crane, Tibetan Crane, Grulla Cuellinegra,,Tibetan crane, wild goose, black goose, dry goose
Features:The only crane in the world that lives and breeds on the plateau. It is known as the "bird panda"
Black-necked cranes are large flying wading birds. Except for the breeding season, they often move in pairs, individuals or family groups. In other seasons, they move in groups, especially in winter in wintering grounds, often forming large groups of dozens of individuals. During the wintering, they...

Porphyrio indicus
Porphyrio indicus,Black-backed Swamphen,Rodhoue Purple Swamphen, Reunion White Dodo
Features:The whole body is covered with purple feathers, and it looks beautiful.
Purple moorhen is a bird of the family Raccoon of the order Gruiformes. It is purple in color and lives by the water all year round. It is of medium size, with a short tail and a very bright red crown on its head. It looks very similar to a domestic chicken, so it is named purple moorhen. However, t...

Short-tailed Parrot
Vernal hanging parrot, Indian parrot
Features:It often hangs itself vertically, so it is also called a hanging parrot or a hanging parrot.
The short-tailed parrot is a typical climbing bird, with a small body and a tail shorter than the wings; a thin beak, short, strong and powerful legs, two toes forward and two toes backward, suitable for grasping and climbing. The body feathers are mainly green, with a red beak and red waist, and th...

Blue-rumped Short-tailed Parrot
Blue-rumped Parrot, Mexican Parrot, Blue-rumped Parrot
Features:Strong beak
The Blue-rumped Short-tailed Parrot is a small parrot, also known as the Mexican Parrot, with mainly green feathers and blue wings. It is a typical climbing bird with a strong and powerful beak, a hooked beak, a movable joint in the upper jaw, and a wax membrane at the base of the beak. The mu...

Palaeornis eupatria
Palaeornis eupatria,Alexandrine Parakeet,Psittacula eupatria (Linnaeus, 1766),Psittacus Eupatria Linneaus, 1766,Alexan Parrot
Features:Asia's largest parakeet
Alexandrine parrots look a bit like ring-necked parrots, but are much larger in size and have obvious red spots on their wings. They have good ability to learn to talk and are gentle by nature. They can be trained to learn some tricks in captivity and have many color variants. They live in various t...

Amazona auropalliata
Amazona auropalliata,Amazona auropalliata,Yellow-necked Amazon Parrot, Yellow-necked Amazon Parrot
Features:A famous master of learning to speak
The yellow-necked Amazon parrot is a typical climbing bird, with two toes facing forward and two toes facing backward, suitable for grasping. The bird's beak is strong and powerful, and can eat hard-shelled fruits. The feathers are bright and handsome. Most of the feathers are green.It usually m...

Amazona ochrocephala
Amazona ochrocephala,Yellow-crowned Amazon,Single hat, small yellow hat, yellow crowned parrot
Features:Yellow crown
Parrots come in many different types, with different shapes and colorful feathers. Their bright feathers and huge hook-like beaks make them particularly eye-catching. These beautiful birds are facing a deteriorating living environment, with a sharp decline in populations. Some species of parrots are...

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Small Budan, Large Sunflower Cockatoo, Large Sunflower Cockatoo, Sunflower Budan
Features:It is characterized by a thick and strong bill, powerful beak, and average language ability.
Like many cockatoos, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo requires a lot of time as a pet. Its feathers are non-iridescent, mainly white, with a lot of feather powder, and it needs to be bathed regularly. It has a noisy voice and will raise its crest when angry. Its food includes seeds, shells, berries, nut...

Melopsittacus undulatus
Melopsittacus undulatus,Budgerigar、Budgie,Jiao Feng, Cai Feng, Asu Er, Parrot
Features:It has a lively temperament and is easy to tame, and is one of the most popular pet birds in our country.
Budgies are the most common pet birds in the world. They come in many varieties, are playful and cute, and are widely loved by the public. The total number of budgies in the world exceeds 5 million. They are often the first parrots bought by many people who are just interested in parrots. They are a...

Eclectus roratus
Eclectus roratus,Eclectus Parrot,Red-flanked Green Parrot
Features:There is a huge color difference between males and females, the female bird is bright red and the male bird is bright green.
The name of the Eclectic Parrot "Eclectic" comes from the word "Eclectic", which means eclectic, and the male and female birds show completely different feather colors. This parrot is the most obvious species of parrots in terms of appearance. The bright red feathers of the femal...

Psittacus erithacus
Psittacus erithacus,Grey Parrot,Grey Parrot, Grey Parrot
Features:He has strong speaking ability, is intelligent, has a high IQ, and is famous for his ability to imitate human language.
African Gray ParrotIt is a large parrot, a typical climbing bird, with a pair of toes. The African Grey Parrot has a slender foot with two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward, which is suitable for grasping. The bird has a strong beak and can eat hard-shelled fruits. It has a short...

Acridotheres cristatellus
Acridotheres cristatellus,Crested Myna,Black starling, thrush, cold starling, crested starling, liaogezi
Features:A popular caged bird that can imitate the calls of other birds and simple human speech.
Starlings are common in southern my country. They are not only important agricultural and forestry birds, but also popular caged birds. They can imitate the calls of other birds and simple human speech. They are widely caged in China and have been introduced to the Philippines and Canada.They like t...

Gracula religiosa
Gracula religiosa,Common Hill Myna,, Qinjile, Jiugong bird, Hainan myna, Hainan starling, Indian grek
Features:After training, they can also imitate human language and learn to sing simple songs.
The characteristic of the myna is the orange-yellow wattles and hems on the sides of the head, which are similar for males and females. It is good at singing, with loud and clear voices, and can imitate and produce a variety of melodious tones. It often gathers in small groups of 3-5, and in winter...

Psittacula krameri
Psittacula krameri,Rose-ringed Parakeet,Rose-ringed parakeet, Ring-necked parakeet, Moon-ringed parakeet
Features:The red-collared green parrot has strong adaptability and vitality and is considered a pest to crops.
Red-collared green parrots are resident birds, often moving in groups, sometimes with gray magpies, starlings, crows, etc. They mainly live in open sparse woodlands at the foot of the mountain, as well as villages, farmlands, and town gardens. They make noisy calls, especially in the morning and eve...

Psittacula himalayana
Psittacula himalayana,Slaty-headed Parakeet
Features:It resembles a grey-headed parrot and has the habit of vertical migration.
The appearance of the Green-headed Parrot is very similar to that of the Grey-headed Parrot, but it is smaller in size, with a lighter head and a smaller beak. The iris is yellow, the upper jaw of the beak is vermilion, the tip of the beak is yellow, the lower jaw is yellow, and the feet are gray or...

Psittacula himalayana
Psittacula himalayana,Slaty-headed Parakeet,Gray-headed parrot, Sand monk bird, Gray-headed conure, Dark-headed parrot
Features:The bird's beak is strong and powerful enough to eat hard-shelled fruits.
Gray-headed parrots are typical climbing birds with opposable feet, two toes forward and two toes backward, suitable for grasping. The beak is strong and powerful, and can eat hard-shelled fruits. Inhabits forests, palm groves, open plains, woodlands, agricultural areas, etc. They usually live in pa...