
Can dogs eat pineapple?

2023-11-08 14:49:31 162

On a hot summer day, there's nothing more refreshing than fresh pineapple. This fruit is packed with vitamins and antioxidants, making it a delicious summer snack for both you and your pup. However, there are a few things you should know before sharing it with your best friend.


Benefits of pineapple for dogs

Pineapples are refreshing and hydrating because they are mostly just water. But that doesn't mean they're just empty calories. Pineapple is rich in antioxidants.

Pineapple is also rich in vitamin C and vitamin B6. Vitamin C, just like in humans, can help boost your dog’s immune system. It also has antioxidant properties and aids in wound healing. Vitamin B6 is used in dogs for a variety of body functions, including brain activity. Finally, pineapple also contains a variety of minerals that help support healthy skin and coat, as well as other connective tissues.

Pineapple also contains an enzyme called bromelain. It has been suggested that this compound may help alleviate the annoying behavior of eating poop. Adding pineapple to a dog's food is thought to make the stool less attractive. However, adding pineapple (or other additives) to your dog's diet is unlikely to prevent your dog from eating feces. Coprophagia, the technical term for eating feces, is often a behavioral problem that doesn't have a simple and quick fix.

Even if pineapple does act as a deterrent, it only works on their own feces, and most dogs with this habit also tend to eat the feces of other animals. Stopping your dog from eating poop takes time, training, patience, management skills and diligence in keeping your yard clean.

Potential Health Issues of Pineapples

Generally speaking, fruits have high sugar content, and pineapple is no exception. If your dog is obese or has diabetes, fruit may not be suitable for him.

Your veterinarian can better advise you on which fruits may be too high in sugar for your dog. Dried pineapple (and other dried fruits) are higher in sugar. Remember, pineapple contains a lot of water, so when you take it out, you change the proportions of all the remaining ingredients.

What parts of a pineapple can my dog eat?

Indeed, only the soft inner flesh of the pineapple (the same part that humans eat) is safe for your dog to eat. Eat only small amounts of pineapple and any other food outside of your diet. All other parts, including the spiky rind, leaves growing from the top, and core, are unsafe for your dog. These parts are difficult for your dog to digest.

If your dog swallows any of the skin, leaves, or cores, they are likely to suffer from vomiting and/or diarrhea at best. Worst case scenario, they would need surgery to remove a piece of pineapple that was clogging their intestines.

Can my dog eat canned pineapple?

Sometimes it's hard to find fresh pineapple, especially when it's not in season. For us, this problem is easily solved by purchasing canned pineapple. Unfortunately, canned pineapple may actually contain more sugar than fresh pineapple.

Some varieties may package the pineapple in water rather than syrup, but you should avoid buying canned pineapple if you can.

If canned is all you have, try to only buy pineapple packaged in water, and be sure to rinse the pineapple chunks thoroughly before giving them to your dog. Be sure to make sure that any pineapple treats you offer do not contain sugar-free alternatives, such as xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

Other Ways to Feed Your Dog Pineapple

Besides tossing a few pieces of pineapple in while slicing, there are other ways to let your dog enjoy fresh pineapple. Mix it with plain yogurt to create a delicious and nutritious food ingredient. You can freeze them for an extra refreshing treat on those hot summer days. Frozen pineapple can also be pureed to create a dog-safe pineapple sorbet. You can even toss your pup a small piece of grilled pineapple at your next barbecue.

Pineapples are a great snack for both you and your dog. However, as with any new treatment, check with your veterinarian before incorporating pineapple into your dog's diet. To prevent nutritional imbalances, treats and snacks should never contain more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.

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