
What to do if a dog is bitten if it is touched without the owner’s consent?

2023-11-08 15:42:55 153

If you are bitten by a dog without the owner's consent, here are some options:


seek medical help

  • If the injury is serious, seek medical attention immediately and seek professional treatment and diagnosis. Even if a wound does not look serious, there may be risks such as infection, rabies, etc., and a doctor will be better able to assess and treat the wound.

Contact the dog owner

  • Contact the dog's owner as soon as possible to obtain the dog's vaccination records and other necessary information. This will help determine if the dog has been vaccinated against rabies and may also prevent others from being injured again.


  • Depending on local regulations, you may be required to report a dog bite to local authorities, such as animal control or the health department.

Deposit certificate

  • Leave as much evidence as possible, such as photos of injuries and medical records. These may help in subsequent claims or legal proceedings.


Orientation to professionals

  • If necessary, you may want to seek legal advice, especially if you are involved in a dispute with the dog owner after the injury.

self protection

  • After dealing with a bite incident, make sure you remain calm and use reasonable self-protection measures when communicating with the dog owner or handling the details of the incident.


Whatever measures you choose to take, make sure your health and safety are your top priority. At the same time, respect the feelings of dog owners and understand that they may also be distressed and worried.

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