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Leptobotia flavolineata

2022-11-20 16:04:08 216

 The yellow-lined loach (scientific name: Leptobotia flavolineata) is a species of the genus Leptobotia, family Cypriniformes, class Actinopterygii, and is endemic to China.

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The yellow-lined loach looks very similar to the garfish, but the larger ones are much larger than the garfish. People in Shidu call it "biangan (whip pole)", people in Miyun call it "bian blind man", and people in the Northeast call it "ox tail".  

Yellow-lined loach is a bottom fish that likes to live in the cracks between gravels in mountain streams where the water flows slowly. It often gathers in groups between gravels or in the cracks of rocks at the bottom of the water.

It is listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".

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Distributed in Fangshan District, Beijing, China, it generally inhabits mountain streams. The origin is Shidu Juma River in Fangshan County, Beijing.
The body is elongated, and the hindquarters are slightly flattened. The head is flat and conical. The snout is blunt and the length of the snout is less than the length of the head behind the eyes. The mouth is small and sub-inferior, and the mouth cleft is arc-shaped. The whiskers are thin and short, and the snout whiskers do not extend to the nostrils, and the maxillary whiskers do not extend to the front edge of the eye. The eyes are small and located on the upper side of the head. The nostrils are close to the front edge of the eye. The starting point of the dorsal fin is far from the tip of the snout and close to the base of the caudal fin. The pectoral fins are fan-shaped and extend to half the distance between the pectoral and pelvic fins; the starting point of the pelvic fin is located below and behind the starting point of the dorsal fin, and the pelvic fins do not extend to the anus. The anal fin is upright and does not extend to the base of the caudal fin. The caudal fin is