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Garrulax maesi

2022-11-06 14:07:35 201

Grey Laughingthrush is known as Grey Laughingthrush in English and has 3 subspecies.


Grey Laughingthrush often hides in the dense undergrowth of evergreen forests in mountainous areas. Some authors consider this species to be a subspecies of White-necked Laughingthrush G. Strepitans. The call is loud.

The conservation status is rated as Least Concern.

Listed in China's "National Key Protected Wildlife List" (February 5, 2021) - Level 2.

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Distributed from south-central and southern China to Hainan Island, northern Vietnam, and northern and central Laos. Globally Near Threatened (Collar et al. 1994). Uncommon in mountainous areas from southeastern Tibet and southern Sichuan to northern Guizhou (grahami), mountainous areas in southeastern Guizhou, Guangxi and northern Guangdong (maesi), and western Hainan Island (castanotis).
Habitat includes subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. Type locality is in the mountains of northern Vietnam.
A medium-sized (27 cm) dark-colored Laughingthrush. Similar to the Black-throated Laughingthrush but with lighter grey ear feathers, edged with white above and behind. Differs from the White-necked Laughingthrush in that the grey is darker.
The Hainan subspecies castanotis has bright brown ear feathers with little white behind the ear feathers, and dark brown throat and upper breast.
Iris - brown; bill - black; feet - dark brown.