Alias:Acrocephalus tangorum
Family:Passeriformes Ornithogalidae R.Warbler
The Far Eastern Reed Warbler is a medium-sized, dull grey-brown reed warbler. The new winter plumage is very brown, with brown breast, flanks and undertail coverts. It is very similar to the Paddy Field Warbler, but with a longer bill and a striking black stripe on the brow. The bill is long and the tail is also long, and the second black brow is not in sharp contrast with the top stripe. Iris - brown; bill - dark upper bill, pink lower bill; feet - orange-brown. Call: chi chi scream and imitate the calls of other birds.
Far Eastern Reed Warbler is uncommon. It breeds in the Hulun Lake area of Inner Mongolia and the Songhua River basin of Heilongjiang, and to Liaoning. It is seen migrating from Liaoning to the eastern coast. There is one record in Hong Kong.