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Acrocephalus concinens

2022-12-27 14:45:09 214

Blunt-winged reed warbler (scientific name: Acrocephalus concinens) is a bird of the family Acrocephalus. In mainland China, it is distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Fujian, Guangdong and other places. The type locality of this species is in Beijing.

Blunt-winged reed warbler is a medium-sized monotonous brown reed warbler without vertical stripes. The difference between it and the rice field reed warbler and the Far Eastern reed warbler is that the eyebrow stripe is shorter and there is no second upper eyebrow stripe.

Call: The call is harsh, with a trembling thrrak or tschak sound.


In China, it is found in north-central, north, central, east, southwest China and Hong Kong. Abroad, it is found in the Indian Peninsula and Southeast Asia.

Like other reed warblers. It lives in reed beds; but it also occurs in mountainous tall grass habitats.
Solid color without vertical stripes. Compared with the rice field warbler, it has a longer and thicker bill, shorter wings, and a short eyebrow, which is basically limited to the front of the eye. The iris is olive brown, the upper beak is dark brown, the lower beak is light yellow, and the feet are light brown.