Ryukyu Acanthus is an amphibian of the family Salamandridae and the genus Acanthus. It lives in mountain forests at an altitude of 100 to 200 meters, and is concentrated near cultivated areas. It usually lives under rocks in the shade and wet areas of mountain forests. In the non-breeding season, ad...
Zhenhai Acanthus is an amphibian of the genus Acanthus of the family Salamandridae. It is endemic to China and has no subspecies. It lives in hilly areas at an altitude of 100-200 meters and lives by streams all year round. The environment where it lives is densely vegetated, with many permanent pon...
The orange-backed newt is an amphibian of the family Salamandridae and the genus Acanthus. It lives in degraded secondary shrub forests near the top of the mountain, surrounded by tall grass and azaleas, and scattered with wetlands and still water ponds. The environment is humid and foggy most of th...
The alpine Acanthus salamander is an amphibian of the family Salamandridae and genus Acanthus. It lives in degraded secondary shrub forests near the top of the mountain, surrounded by tall grass and rhododendrons, and scattered wetlands and still water ponds. The environment is humid and foggy most...