Shorthorn (scientific name: Pelea capreolus) Grey Rhebok, Common Rhebok, Rhebok, Vaal Rhebok, no subspecies.Shorthorn is active during the day, occasionally grazing and resting, and tends to rest in the shade at noon. They form two kinds of social groups. The first consists of many females and one d...
The Japanese spider crab is the largest crab in the world, and also the largest crustacean and arthropod in the world. It is a strange creature living in the southeastern coastal waters of Japan, and is also the prototype of the so-called "killer crab" in domestic rumors. This largest know...
Crab (scientific name: Brachyura) is a decapod animal, usually belonging to the Crustacea class. They have a hard exoskeleton and usually live in the ocean, freshwater, and land. Crabs are a widespread group of animals with a high species diversity, including species of all sizes and morpholo...