Little Bustard, also known as Little Bustard in English, is a large bird of the family Bustard, with no subspecies.Little Bustards often gather in large groups during the non-breeding season, sometimes up to several thousand, and are active during the day. Male birds in the wintering group have coll...
Houbara Bustard, also known as Macqueen's Bustard, has no subspecies. A large ground-dwelling bird, once a subspecies of the Ruffed-jawed Bustard, it has been reclassified as an independent species.Like other bustards, the Houbara Bustard is a bird of open and desert areas. In Xinjiang, it mainl...
The Great Bustard has two subspecies, both of which are distributed in China. The common subspecies breeds in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, Tongyu and Zhenlai, Jilin, northwest Liaoning, and Inner Mongolia. It hibernates in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Hubei and other provinc...