The Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris) has nine subspecies.Helmeted beaded chickens are land birds and prefer to live in groups, forming groups of about 25 individuals outside of the breeding season. When you panic, you run around instead of flying away. However, like most short-winged and broad...
The Black Guineafowl (scientific name: Agelastes niger) has no subspecies.The chicken's diet is mainly insect-based, including beetles, ants and termites, and other invertebrates such as millipedes and small frogs. As well as plant seeds, berries and branches. The breeding habits of this species...
The White-breasted Guineafowl, known as the Agelastes meleagrides or White-breasted Guineafowl, usually lives in small groups of about 15 to 20 birds that search for food together on the rainforest floor. If disturbed, group members usually get together, call out, and disperse into the forest if the...
Vulturine Guineafowl (scientific name: Acryllium vulturinum), no subspecies.Vulture chicken live in clusters, each group of about 15-30, good at flying and roost in trees, flying ability is very strong, but the long-term land life has changed its life habits, often run away in all directions when in...