Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are burrowing rodents that may become unwelcome guests in backyards and farms. Their robust appetite for vegetation can make them notorious among gardeners and farmers. If you’re wondering “what do groundhogs eat” and whether they pose a threat to your pets—...
Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks (Marmota monax), are burrowing rodents found across North America. As members of the squirrel family, these animals are best known for their association with Groundhog Day, but their dietary habits are equally fascinating. So, what do groundhogs eat, and how do t...
When it comes to burrowing rodents, gophers and groundhogs are often confused due to their similar appearances and behaviors. However, these two animals have distinct differences in terms of size, diet, habitat, and behavior. Understanding these differences can help you identify each species and app...