
The bird with the longest tail feathers on earth

2022-12-27 16:13:26 87

The bird with the longest tail feathers on the earth is the long-tailed chicken. The long-tailed chicken was bred in Japan through artificial crossbreeding. The length of the tail feathers is very amazing. It is usually 6 to 7 meters long. The longest record is a bird bred in 1974. , is 12.5 meters. If you let it stand on the balcony of a four-story building, its tail feathers can be dragged all the way to the ground on the ground floor, so it is also the longest bird feather on the earth.

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The long-tailed chicken is an ornamental breed of domestic chicken. It is a descendant of the wild jungle fowl and the egg chickens and broiler chickens that are widely raised today. However, long-tailed chickens are purely an ornamental species, and their egg and meat production is extremely low. According to legend, a long-tailed chicken breed was bred in Japan two to three hundred years ago. The male long-tailed chicken, which has been artificially cultivated for many years and has extra-long tail feathers, stands on a special elevated stand or platform. Its tail feathers can hang down to the ground. Therefore, it has extremely high ornamental value and sells for extremely high prices. It is the best among ornamental poultry in the world. Outstanding.

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Male long-tailed chickens used for ornamental purposes need to be individually locked in special cages after 2 to 3 years old in order to cultivate their special long tail feathers, and their activities should be limited to reduce the wear and tear on the tail feathers due to free movement. At the same time, they should be raised with The feed that is highly palatable and nutritious should be released from the cage regularly every morning and afternoon for 30 to 60 minutes to eat freely. It can cultivate male long-tailed chickens with plump body feathers and particularly extended tail feathers. Long-tailed chickens that are kept in good conditions can generally live for more than 10 years.

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