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Muntiacus atherodes

2023-01-01 18:56:14 212

The scientific name of the Bornean Yellow Muntjac is Muntiacus atherodes, and its foreign names are Bornean Yellow Muntjac and Bornean Yellow Muntjack. It has only been recognized as an independent species in recent years. Its antlers are only 7 cm long, which is smaller than those of ordinary muntjacs.


Listed in the 2009 list of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), ver 3.1 - Low Concern (LC).

Protect wild animals and stop eating game.

Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!

The Bornean Muntjac is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei (uncertain). It is restricted to the humid forests of Borneo.
Except for the color difference, it has the properties of ordinary muntjac.