Ovis gmelini, English Mouflon, Asiatic Mouflon, French Mouflón, Spanish Muflón, Russian Муфлон, has 3-5 native wild subspecies: the nominate subspecies (O.g. gmelini) and two subspecies limited to Iran: Isfahan subspecies (O.g. isphahanica) and Laristan subspecies (O. g. laristanica). Sometimes the Anatolian subspecies (O. g. anatolica) and is considered a different subspecies from the nominate subspecies. However, in this assessment, the previous classification of Asiatic Mouflon subspecies (IUCN/SSC Caprinae Specialist Group 2000) is followed.
Asian mouflon is a gregarious animal. In spring and summer, the herd size is small and the sexes are often segregated. It has no territory. Generally, there are 3-5 or dozens of them in a group. It is mainly active at dawn and dusk, feeding on grass, allium and weeds, and can also live and forage in farmland.
The global population of the Asiatic mouflon may be around 26,500 (16,000 mature individuals). Population figures do not include suspected hybrids between Asiatic mouflon and Vervet's mouflon occurring in Iran. Population trends within its range are difficult to assess. While official overall figures for Iran, the main range country, indicate a stable or increasing trend (unpublished data from the Iranian Ministry of Environment 2016), local studies indicate a decrease.
Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020 ver3.1 - Near Threatened (NT).
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