The Australian submerged Duck (Aythya australis) is a species of bird in the genus Aythya of the order Anseriformes, the Australian White-eyed Duck, Hardhead, and White-eyed Duck.
The Australian duck is a migratory bird. Migrating in groups, often into more than ten to dozens of small groups, rarely hundreds of large groups.
The Australian diver is an omnivorous animal that eats living plants, especially mussels and freshwater shellfish. Often foraging in shallow water where vegetation flourishes. Foraging activities are mainly in the early morning and dusk, during the day more rest on the shore or floating on the open water to sleep. Foraging methods mainly rely on diving to feed, generally in the water is not too deep, and sometimes in the shallow water at the water's edge to extend the head into the water, or tail up into the water to feed.
It is found in thick vegetated areas, near water areas, along rivers and channels, around stagnant pools, and DAMS. The nest was made of reeds and stalks of grass among the vegetation. She builds a nest and incubates her eggs alone.
Listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) for 2016 ver 3.1 - Not Threatened (LC).
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