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Orinoco Goose

2023-03-05 16:49:36 135

Neochen jubata (Orinoco Goose) rarely swims and is clumsy when flying. More like a goose, hence the English name - Orinoco River goose.

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Green-winged geese are very territorial birds during the breeding season, usually nesting in tree holes and occasionally in the ground. The male goose has a higher whistling call, while the female goose is a cackling goose.

Listed in the International Red Book of Birds of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2009 list ver 3.1 - Near Threatened (NT).

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South America and the Andes, including Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, via the Amazon River to Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina (Salta province)
Greenwinged geese are residents of the tropical forests of South America, choosing forests, lakes, swamps, open woodlands, or savannas as their habitat. This is a species that lives primarily on land, but also habitates in trees at all times.
Green-winged geese are 61-76 cm long. Cheng geese have a brown-white head and neck, wings and wings are chestnut, black wings with white mirrors, red legs, beak composed of black and pink, male and female with the same plumage, male geese slightly larger. Compared with adult geese, young geese have gray feathers and no characteristics.