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Puffinus bannermani

2023-03-10 21:45:06 127

Bannerman (Puffinus bannermani); S. Shearwater, which was classified as P. lherminieri until 2004, was classified as a separate species in 2014.

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They feed on Marine vertebrates and invertebrates and only come ashore at night to nest.

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Bandei's shearwaters are listed as endangered because they appear to occupy very small ranges and few locations when breeding, and populations are thought to be declining due to continued predation by introduced mammals and other potential threats, such as collisions with artificial light sources.

Listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN)2018 ver3.1 - Endangered (EN).

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Bamsoni's Shearwater is a little-known species that breeds on the eastern islands of Japan's Ogasawara Islands, the Kasinin Islands, and the southern soil of the Volcano Islands. Their maritime extent is considered to be fairly localized for these islands (Onley and Scofield 2007).
It is 33 cm long with a wingspan of 64-74 cm; Weight 150-230 grams. Both species have tubular nostrils at the base of their beaks. Their wings are typically long and narrow, with a streamlined design that allows them to travel long distances on the open ocean, using the wind and air movement generated by waves to minimize effort and thus reduce energy consumption. The petrel's flight is powerful, easy, and often spectacular. Webbed feet allow them to swim and dive on the surface of the water.