Alias Wild goose, spotted goose, bright spotted goose,Greater White-fronted,Goose White-fronted Goose
Family Anseriformes Anatidae Anser
You can often see flocks of wild geese flying freely in the sky, sometimes in a straight line or in a V-shape.
There are 5 subspecies of white-fronted geese in the world, and 2 subspecies are distributed in my country. Both are winter migratory birds. The nominate subspecies winters in western and southwestern my country, and the Pacific subspecies winters in southeastern my country.
The chicks mature early. On the second day after hatching, the adult birds lead the chicks into waters rich in aquatic plants. After about 45 days of chick period, the chicks can fly. At this stage, the adult birds begin to molt and have no flying ability.
The enemies of the white-fronted goose are foxes, eagles and falcons.
Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2016, ver 3.1 - Least Concern (LC).
Listed in China's National List of Key Protected Wildlife (February 5, 2021) Level 2.
Everyone has the responsibility to protect the ecological environment and protect wild animals and plants.