
Why do bats live in groups?

2023-02-22 18:49:13 194

Bats like to live in groups. At most, there are 3,000 per square meter in the nest. The reason why they live together is still a mystery.

Spanish scientists pointed out that people initially thought that bats crowded together to increase the temperature of their habitats, but research showed that this was not the main reason. Later, scientists found that after hibernation, the average weight of bats living in groups exceeded that of bats living in groups, because some malnourished bats can share food with healthy bats when living in groups. As for the large number of small bats living in groups, when their mothers go out to hunt, these small bats gather together to protect each other and defend against predators.

It is reported that bats can live up to 30 years. Female bats will not give birth until they reach maturity at the age of 6-7. After maturity, they usually give birth to one cub per year.

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