
What should I do if my kitten has a bad temper?

2022-08-22 13:56:52 151

       Some cats are obedient and get along very well with their owners, but some cats are not good-tempered. So, what should I do if a kitten has a bad temper? Let the editor introduce it to you below. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


1. What to do if a cat or kitten has a bad temper

   Temporarily forget about it, and the bad temper can be calmed down.

To deal with a cat's bad temper, an owner must first maintain a calm attitude and create a friendly impression on the cat. Or when the cat looks ugly, you can try to play some soothing and soft music for it to listen to, so that the nervous cat can relax, reduce its aggression, soothe its irritable heart, and relax its mood. Be stable and no longer be angry towards other pets and owners.

A cat’s bad temper is largely caused by emotional stimulation. In life, owners should try to avoid things that may affect the cat's mood. At the same time, when the cat is angry, try not to yell or scold it at will, so as to avoid stimulating the cat's mood to become more irritable and restless. When a cat is angry, the owner should use scolding and comforting methods to try to relax the cat's mood and make it feel safe and comfortable and no longer angry.

1. Pick

As the saying goes, "You have to pick soft persimmons." The same goes for cats. Among these little guys with individual personalities, there are also some "soft persimmons" with excellent temperaments, especially some artificially bred cat species. They have been "ravaged" by hundreds of years of breeding experts, and they are also steeped in "masochistic tendencies" in their bones. No matter how you "abuse" it, even if you pick it up and "indecent" it from beginning to end, it will accept it. Not to mention a simple touch of the paw? The list of these "soft persimmons" includes Persian cats, exotic shorthair cats, Ragdoll cats, Chinchillas, Scottish Fold cats and some British shorthair cats.


People compare cats to women or women to cats, which shows that the two have many common characteristics. Therefore, as long as the cat is made happy, served with delicious food and drinks, and plays with it, the cat will be happy. will relax their vigilance against us to the greatest extent. When it's in a good mood, give it a full body massage. When its whole body is relaxed, let alone touching its paws, the cat may take the initiative to grab your hand and ask you to give it a "foot massage."

A cat is actually like a child. It may not accept you for a short time, but over time, it will definitely like you when it feels your concern and care for it. Of course, during this period, it requires the tolerance and persistence of the owner.


To control kittens’ aggressive behavior, owners should do the following two things:

1. Play with the cat directly without using hands or feet, so that the cat can have a wide range of understanding of toys;

2. Tell it clearly "it hurts" and let it know that the owner doesn't like it and will definitely be angry. After cats develop a habit, they will basically not actively "attack" their owners anymore.

2. Reasons why kittens have bad tempers

1. Cats are in a special period

During the period of estrus, the male cat has a bad temper, and suddenly changes from the usual "cream little boy" to a "militant"; the mother cat who has given birth to a baby is in a serious mood to protect the cub, causing it to easily attack the owner who comes to visit. In addition, inappropriate caressing by the owner can also cause the cat to attack.

2. Cats are naturally timid

Cats who are naturally timid especially like to attack people, just like timid people walking on the underworld singing loudly to encourage them. It has no malice, it just feels inexplicable fear and threats and wants to protect itself. If guests or friends can hug it more, it will be very effective in eliminating its timidity.


3. Aggressive behavior caused by pain due to pathological reasons

Meningiomas and rabies can also cause cats to attack their owners.

Cats are very independent animals. When a cat grows up, it begins to have its own preferences and judgment standards. Instead of formulating behavioral rules for it, it is better to understand and respect its preferences and psychology. Don't force your cat to do anything. Unless it wants to, no force can influence or shake its will.

Owners should take the opportunity to reflect on what they have done poorly, and improve when humans make mistakes. Never punish a cat corporally when it makes a mistake! Although the cat has the IQ of a five- or six-year-old child, it will never learn any lessons from corporal punishment and will not make the same mistake next time, so corporal punishment will never be effective! Ineffective corporal punishment can only make the cat have an inferiority complex and frequently criticize its owner. The fear of inflicting violence on it.

The key to getting along happily with cats lies in the owner's appropriate adjustments. Cats are aware of changes in their owners and will adjust accordingly!

animal tags: cat feline kitten