
What dinosaurs were there in the Cretaceous period?

2023-05-05 20:35:26 348

The Cretaceous was an important period for dinosaurs, and many famous dinosaurs lived during this period. Here are some common dinosaur species from the Cretaceous:

1. Tyrannosaurus Rex: Tyrannosaurus Rex is one of the most famous dinosaurs and one of the largest and most ferocious carnivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period.

2. Ceratopsian: Ceratopsian is an armored dinosaur covered with hardened scales and horny protrusions. They usually feed on plants.

3. Tornadosaurus: Tornadosaurus is a feathered dinosaur and is considered to be one of the first dinosaurs to evolve feathers.

4. Pachycephalosaur: Pachycephalosaur is a dinosaur with an abnormally large head, which they may use for fighting or to scare off predators.

5. Cobrasaurus: Cobrasaurus is a long-necked dinosaur with a snake-like body and a cobra-like expansion area on the top of its head.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there were many other dinosaur species during the Cretaceous period.

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