
What are the common vertebrates?

2024-01-06 14:27:24 141

Vertebrates are a large group of animals that have vertebrae inside their bodies and are animals with a notochord. They are mainly divided into the following main groups:


Mammals are a type of warm-blooded vertebrates. Female mammals have mammary glands that can secrete milk to feed their young. This group includes humans, lions, elephants, whales, etc. Rare species live on land, while other abundant species inhabit the water.


Birds are a type of vertebrate animal characterized by a body covered with feathers, two wings, and usually laying eggs. This group includes hawks, pigeons, ducks, chickens, etc., living in various environments such as land, water, and woods.


Reptiles are a type of cold-blooded vertebrates, including lizards, snakes, crocodiles, etc. They are usually carnivores and live on land or in water.


Amphibians are vertebrates that can live in water and on land, such as frogs and toads. They usually live in the water for a while and later migrate to land.

cartilaginous fish

Cartilage fish are a type of vertebrate animals with a cartilage-skeletal structure, such as sharks and rays. Compared with bony fish, cartilaginous fish have softer and more flexible bone structures and are larger in size.

bony fish

Teleosts are a group of vertebrates with a bony skeleton. This group includes a variety of fish from freshwater to seawater, such as salmon, bass, etc.

These groups of animals form the major components of vertebrates. They play an important role in the ecosystem. Some are domesticated as pets or eaten by humans, and some are key species in the ecosystem.

animal tags: vertebrate