
Do dinosaurs really exist?

2023-05-06 17:54:57 159

Yes, dinosaurs once existed on Earth. Dinosaurs are an extinct group of ancient creatures that lived on Earth during the Jurassic, Triassic, and Cretaceous periods and became extinct about 65 million years ago.

Our knowledge of dinosaurs mainly comes from the fossils they left behind. These fossils include remains such as bones, teeth, prints, and feces. By studying these fossils, scientists can depict the appearance, behavior, and ecological environment of dinosaurs.

The discovery and study of dinosaurs began in the early 19th century, when people began to discover some huge fossil bones and realized that these relics did not belong to any known animal. Gradually, dinosaurs became an important research object in the field of paleontology, and many scientists devoted themselves to the excavation and study of dinosaur fossils, and discovered a large number of new species and information.

So, although we cannot directly observe existing dinosaurs, we have a very deep understanding of dinosaurs thanks to research in genetics, geology, paleontology and other fields.

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