
What knowledge do we have about dinosaurs?

2023-05-07 22:34:07 164

Here are some topics covering dinosaur knowledge:

1. Dinosaur classification and evolution: Learn about the classification system of dinosaurs, the evolutionary relationships between different species, and their eras and geographical distribution in Earth history.

2. Dinosaur ecology: Including knowledge about dinosaur behavior, diet, reproduction, social structure, etc.

3. Dinosaur remains and fossils: Learn about the discovery, preservation and research of dinosaur fossils, and how to learn about dinosaurs' appearance, anatomical structure, movement, etc. from fossils.

4. Dinosaur art and culture: Explore the image and symbolic meaning of dinosaurs in various cultures, as well as the expression of dinosaur art, etc.

5. Dinosaur scientific research: including the latest research results, academic controversies and future prospects in the field of dinosaurs.

This knowledge covers many aspects of the field of dinosaurs. Understanding this knowledge can help us better understand the world and history of dinosaurs.

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