
The fastest flying bird in the world

2023-05-16 00:38:01 189

The fastest flying bird in the world is the Swift (Peregrine Falcon), which can fly at speeds of 350 to 400 kilometers per hour. This bird lives across the globe, often inhabiting places such as rugged mountains, cliffs, and high-rise buildings.

The swift's body structure is ideally suited for high-speed flight. They have long, pointed wings that allow them to glide easily through the air and reduce air resistance. In addition, their fine muscle control and strong hearts provide them with great power.

Swifts typically achieve their amazing flight speeds by swooping down to hunt. When they spot prey, they swoop down quickly, using gravity to accelerate and grab the prey. During the dive, the speed of a swift can reach more than about 389 kilometers per hour, which is one of the fastest speeds of all flying animals in the world.

It's worth noting that swifts aren't the only experts at rapid flight. Other birds like petrels, barnacle geese, and pigeons are also capable of extremely fast flight, although not as impressively as swifts.

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