
How all the animals behaved before it rained

2023-05-24 18:12:16 207

Many animals exhibit different behaviors before it rains. Here are some common examples:

1. Ants: Ants become very active before rain because they know it will rain soon. They will quickly find food and water sources and bring them back to their nests.

2. Birds: Some birds will start chirping loudly before it rains to warn other birds to prepare to stay in trees or other shelters from the rain. Other birds fly back to their nests and cover their eggs or chicks with feathers to protect them from the rain.

3. Owls: Owls often fly back to their nests before it rains because their feathers are not very waterproof. Additionally, it is more difficult for them to catch prey.

4. Snails: Snails will retract their tentacles before it rains, and then crawl under trees or other shelters to avoid getting wet from the rain.

5. Dogs: Some dogs can sense electrical changes in the air and act restless before it rains. Additionally, they may try to find a dry place to hide from the rain.

6. Snails: Snails become very active before it rains because they like moist conditions. If you see a lot of snails crawling on the grass, it's probably going to rain.

7. Swallows: Swallows usually fly relatively low. If they start flying high, it means they are running away from the rain, which indicates the coming of rain.

8. Pigeons: Pigeons will also show nervousness before it rains. They will gather on branches and wires, as if waiting for something.

9. Birds: Birds are often more active before rain comes because they know this may be their last chance to find food. Some birds also seek shelter from rain, such as branches, leaves, or caves.

10. Cats: Many cats find rainy days uncomfortable, so they will look for a warm and dry place to escape the rain.

11. Spiders: Spiders may be more active before it rains. They leave more slime on the net, ensuring that the net catches more insects.

These are just some common examples, and different animals may behave differently. But if you notice the signs, you can better prepare yourself and your family for the coming rainy season. These are some common animal behaviors before it rains. Of course, each animal has its own unique way of responding, and these are just a few examples.

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