
Locust breeding conditions

2023-06-02 23:01:11 218

Leech is a common edible insect. The following are the breeding conditions for leech:

1. Temperature: The suitable temperature for the growth of leech is 28℃-32℃, and the minimum temperature should be kept above 20℃. Too low or too high temperatures will affect the growth and reproduction of locusts.

2. Humidity: The humidity of the leech breeding environment should be controlled between 50% and 70%. Too high humidity will lead to problems such as poor reproduction and mold, while too low humidity will make the locusts small and difficult to reproduce.

3. Light: Locusts need good light for normal metabolism and growth. It is recommended to expose the locusts to sunlight for 4-5 hours every day.

4. Feed: Leeches feed on plants, mainly various young plants, millet, beans, etc. You can choose natural feed that does not contain pesticides, such as wheat grass, corn straw, etc.

5. Breeding environment: Locusts need a suitable breeding environment. Breeding boxes should be slightly smaller than ordinary breeding boxes, and the temperature and humidity need to be more stable. During the breeding period, the amount of food provided by the locusts can be increased to promote reproduction.

6. Prevent diseases: Locusts are susceptible to diseases, such as mold, bacteria, viruses, etc. It is necessary to keep the environment clean and hygienic, change feed regularly and clean up dead locusts to avoid cross-infection.

7. Harvest management: The growth cycle of leech is 50-60 days, and it can be harvested when the size reaches 4-5 cm. It is recommended to harvest using nets or hands to avoid the use of chemicals.

I hope the above information will be helpful for you to understand the breeding conditions of leech!

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