
Why is it not recommended to raise an Anglo mink?

2023-06-11 19:32:14 800

Anglian ferrets are cute little mammals, but they are not suitable as pets. Here are some reasons:

1. Anglian ferrets need lots of space and exercise. When living in the wild, they usually travel through vast underground dens and grassy areas. At home, they need enough space and time to run, climb and explore.

2. Anglo minks are great diggers. They may dig into carpets, wall corners, or other soft items, causing damage and hygiene problems.

3. Anglian ferrets have a strong odor. The oils and sweat they secrete can produce a very strong odor that requires frequent grooming and washing to control.

4. Anglian ferrets require professional care. They require regular nail trimming, ear cleaning, bathing, and grooming, which requires extra time, tools, and expense.

5. Anglian ferrets may bite. Although they are usually friendly, they are capable of biting, especially if they feel threatened or scared.

To sum up, although Anglo ferrets are very cute and fun, their needs and personalities do not make them suitable pets. If you want to have a small mammal as a pet, consider some of the more family-friendly breeds, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, or rabbits.


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