
Characteristics of animal tails

2023-06-16 04:03:36 234

The tail of an animal is an important part of the body of many animals. In addition to balancing weight and maintaining posture when walking and running, it also has the following special functions:

1. Transmit information: Some animals can convey information by shaking their tails. For example, a dog's tail can express its emotions. It will shake its tail when it is happy or excited, and will shrink its tail when it is angry or afraid.

2. Defense and attack: Some animals use their tails for defense and attack. For example, the tail of a scorpion has a poisonous stinger that can be used to protect itself or attack the enemy.

3. Attract the opposite sex: The tails of some animals can be used to attract the opposite sex. For example, the male peacock will spread its colorful tail to attract the female.

4. Making sounds: The tails of some animals can be used to make sounds, such as the tails of lizards, which can swing to make noises, attract predators or attack enemies.

5. Storing energy: The tails of some animals can be used to store energy. For example, kangaroos use their tails to support their bodies, maintain balance and walk.

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