
Why is it not recommended to raise a pudding hamster?

2023-07-03 00:21:53 295

In general, pudding hamsters (also known as syrup hamsters) are generally not recommended as pets. Here are some reasons:

1. Health Problems: Pudding hamsters are genetically prone to some health problems, including immune system deficiencies and susceptibility to disease. This makes them more susceptible to many common hamster diseases and can lead to a shorter lifespan.

2. Requires Special Care: Pudding hamsters require more specialized care than other hamster breeds. They have high requirements for temperature and humidity and need to maintain suitable environmental conditions at all times. Additionally, they have greater limits on fat and sugar intake in food to prevent obesity and health problems.

3. Personality and Sociability: Pudding hamsters tend to be more aggressive and alert than some other common hamster breeds. They may be less suited to human interaction and may pose challenges for first-time pet owners.

4. May be harder to obtain: Pudding hamsters may be harder to obtain in some areas because they are not as common as other common hamster breeds.

Taking these factors into account, raising a pudding hamster may require more expertise and care experience. If you are interested in raising a hamster, it is recommended to choose a hamster breed that is more common, healthy and suitable for beginners, such as golden hamsters or large-cheeked hamsters. No matter what kind of pet you have, it is crucial to ensure that you provide good living conditions, a proper diet and care.

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