
Are gardenias poisonous to cats?

2023-07-03 20:24:34 247

Yes, gardenias are poisonous to cats. Gardenia (scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides) contains a component called "geniposide", which cannot be effectively metabolized in the cat's body and therefore can cause harm to the cat's health.

If a cat comes into contact with or accidentally eats gardenia flowers, the following toxic reactions may occur:

1. Digestive tract discomfort: including vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.

2. Central nervous system depression: The components in gardenia may affect the cat’s central nervous system, manifesting as lethargy, weakness, difficulty walking, etc.

3. Liver damage: Gardenia has a potentially toxic effect on the cat’s liver and may lead to abnormal liver function.

If you suspect your cat has come into contact with or ingested gardenias, contact your veterinarian immediately for emergency treatment. Your veterinarian can assess your cat's health and provide appropriate treatment, such as gastric lavage, supportive therapy, and monitoring.

To ensure the safety of cats, it is recommended to place gardenias or other poisonous plants out of reach of cats to prevent accidental poisoning.

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