
Complete list of pure water turtle species

2023-07-05 17:28:34 272

Here are some common pure aquatic turtle species:

1. Red-eared slider turtle (Red-eared slider turtle) – Trachemys scripta elegans

2. Chrysemys picta

3. Yellow-headed side-necked turtle - Emydura subglobosa

4. Long-necked turtle (African long-necked turtle) - Pelusios castaneus

5. American snapping turtle (American snapping turtle) - Macrochelys temminckii

6. Orange-necked turtle - Emydura bellii

7. Cuora trifasciata

8. Big-headed turtle (Chinese big-headed turtle) - Platysternon megacephalum

9. Indian Star Turtle – Geochelone elegans

10. Sumatran giant tortoise - Manouria emys

These are just a few examples of pure aquatic turtle species, there are actually many others. Each breed has its own unique characteristics and needs, including body size, feeding habits, habitat, etc. Before choosing to keep a pure aquatic turtle, carefully research the characteristics of the breed and make sure you understand and are able to provide appropriate housing conditions and care.

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