
How long can a cat live with calicivirus?

2023-07-16 13:31:02 252

Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a common virus that infects cats. The lifespan of an FCV-infected cat depends on several factors, including the cat's overall health, immune system function, age and treatments received.

Most FCV-infected cats recover and live for a long time with proper treatment and care. Cats with mild infections may show only mild symptoms and usually recover on their own. But for some cats, especially those with weakened immune systems or other underlying health problems, FCV infection can cause more severe symptoms and complications.

It should be noted that FCV can cause respiratory infections, oral inflammation, arthritis, etc. These symptoms may affect the quality of life and lifespan of cats. If the cat shows obvious symptoms, such as persistent high fever, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, etc., a veterinarian should be consulted in time for evaluation and treatment.

The best practices to prevent FCV infection include regular vaccinations, maintaining cat hygiene and health, and avoiding contact with cats that are already infected with FCV. If you have any health questions or concerns, please consult your veterinarian for professional advice and treatment options

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