
Will a rabbit die if it eats orange peels?

2023-07-16 14:11:10 496

It is generally not recommended for rabbits to eat orange peels, as the peels may cause some problems for the rabbit's digestive system. Although oranges themselves can serve as an occasional fruit snack for rabbits, orange peels are rich in natural oils and bitter substances that may cause indigestion or intestinal disturbances.

Here are some things to note about rabbits eating orange peels:

1. Oils in Orange Peels: Orange peels are rich in natural oils that may be taxing on your rabbit’s digestive system. Excessive intake of fats and oils may cause digestive problems such as diarrhea or steatorrhea.

2. Bitter substances: Orange peels contain bitter substances, which may be sensitive to rabbits' sense of taste and cause anorexia or digestive discomfort.

3. Digestive issues: Rabbits have very sensitive digestive systems and they need high-fiber, low-sugar foods to keep digestion normal. Orange peels are relatively low in fiber and high in sugar, which may adversely affect your rabbit's intestinal health.

If your rabbit accidentally eats some orange peels, monitor his health. If any digestive problems, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior occur, please consult your veterinarian as soon as possible for evaluation and advice.

Overall, to ensure your rabbit's health, it's best not to let them eat orange peels or the peels of other citrus fruits. If you plan to provide your rabbit with fruit as snacks, choose rabbit-friendly fruits such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, etc., and make sure to eat them in moderation to avoid taxing the digestive system.

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