
What should I do if my cat still urinates after being neutered?

2023-09-09 23:48:18 168

If your cat has been spayed and neutered but is still having trouble urinating, there are several possible causes and solutions:

1. Health problems: First make sure your cat does not suffer from urinary tract infections or other health problems. If your cat has frequent urination, low urine output, or abnormal urine, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian immediately for examination.

2. Urinal issues: Check that the urinal used by the cat is clean and placed in an easily accessible and private location. Cats may not be interested in a dirty litter box or a litter box that is not in the right place.

3. Selection of urine puff or cat litter: Some cats have a high preference for urine puff or cat litter, and may not like certain types of cat litter or litter. Try different types of litter, such as clumping litter, crystal litter, or natural wood chips, to find the type your cat prefers.

4. Increase the number of potties: If you only have one potty, try adding more potties. Some cats like to use separate areas for urinating and defecating. Providing multiple urinals can reduce the possibility of confusion.

5. Clean the urine area: If your cat pees in a specific area, make sure the urine area is carefully cleaned using a cleaner designed to remove urine odors.

6. Increase environmental stimulation: Some cats may urinate randomly due to stress, anxiety or boredom. Try to increase your cat's environmental stimulation by providing toys, climbing frames, hiding places and time to interact with your cat.

If the above methods still cannot solve the problem of incontinent peeing, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for professional advice and help.

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