
What animal became extinct first?

2023-10-26 16:08:09 144

The earliest animals to become extinct are difficult to pinpoint with certainty because the timing of extinction depends on the completeness of the fossil record and the availability of geological data. However, based on available scientific evidence, there are some ancient species thought to be among the first animals to become extinct, such as the Trilobite and the Neapolitan Elephant Bird.

Trilobites lived in the Paleozoic era, which was about 500 million to 250 million years ago. They are sea creatures with a unique exoskeleton and segmented body structure. Trilobites are very rich in fossils, but they gradually disappeared between the late Ordovician and the end of the Permian, and were eventually wiped out completely in the extinction event.

The Neapolitan elephant bird was a giant bird that lived on the island of Madagascar about 1,000 to 2,000 years ago. They are one of the largest known birds, weighing up to 500 kilograms. Human activities and habitat loss are among the main factors leading to the extinction of the Neapolitan elephant bird.

It's important to note that early extinct animals are often inferred from fossil records and evolutionary studies, so there may be controversy over the exact timing of certain species' extinctions. Scientists continue to conduct research to learn more about the evolution and extinction history of organisms.

animal tags: Trilobite