
What animal does a turtle belong to?

2023-11-21 09:25:09 121

Turtle is an ancient reptile, belonging to the order Turtles of the class Reptilia. They usually live in the ocean, but will also come ashore to lay eggs. Sea turtles have a long evolutionary history and are thought to have been around for tens of millions of years.

The physical characteristics of a sea turtle include a hard protective shell of carapace and plastron that allow it to swim in water and walk on land. Sea turtles have fin-shaped feet that are adapted to swimming in the water and moving on the beach. They are a type of animal that is highly adapted to marine life. Many species migrate long distances and swim in the world's oceans.

Turtles feed mainly on aquatic plants, molluscs and jellyfish. Their common species include green turtles, hawksbill turtles, leatherback turtles, flathead turtles, etc. Sea turtles face many threats, including ocean pollution, habitat destruction, illegal fishing, traffic accidents and climate change. As a result, efforts are underway around the world to help protect these precious creatures.

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