
Is there rabies virus on cats’ paws?

2023-11-24 11:39:35 104

Generally, cats do not carry rabies virus on their paws. Rabies is mainly spread through the saliva of infected animals (usually dogs, foxes, wolves, etc.), usually through direct contact such as bites or scratches. The surface of a cat's paws usually does not carry rabies virus unless the paw surface is contaminated with the saliva of an infected animal.

However, it is important to note that any animal may harbor other bacteria or viruses that may cause infection. This includes bacterial infections or other viral infections, such as cat-scratch disease (which is spread through bacterial infections caused by scratches or bites from infected cats). Therefore, if you are scratched or bitten by a cat, it is best to clean the wound promptly and consult a doctor for appropriate medical advice.

For pet cats, the most effective way to prevent rabies is vaccination. Rabies vaccination for pet cats is mandatory in many countries, and regular vaccination is an important measure to ensure the health of cats and prevent the spread of disease. If you have questions or concerns, it is best to consult your veterinarian for appropriate advice and information.

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