
Are snails insects?

2023-12-05 17:47:27 119

Snails are not insects, but molluscs. They belong to the class Gastropoda, subclass Snails and order Snails, and are classified in the kingdom Animalia. Here is a detailed introduction to snails:

Morphological characteristics:

Snails have an external shell, which is their most distinguishing feature. The shell is made of calcium and other minerals and provides the protection the snail needs to live. The shell of a snail is usually rotationally symmetrical, and the shell mouth can be closed by muscle movements of the snail's feet when needed to protect itself from predators. Underneath their feet, there is an antenna-like structure often called an antennae.

Living habits:

Most snails are terrestrial and prefer to live in moist environments such as forests, gardens and fields. However, there are also some species that are aquatic, living in fresh or salt water.

feeding habits:

Snails are typically herbivores, feeding primarily on plant matter. They feed on a variety of plants, leaves, humus, and decaying plant debris.


Snails reproduce oviparously, and they usually lay their eggs in moist places.

Overall, snails are a different type of organism than insects, and they belong to the category of molluscs. Molluscs are generally characterized by a soft body and shell, while insects are characterized by a hard-shelled exoskeleton, six legs, and compound eyes.

animal tags: snails