
What is the average lifespan of a bird?

2023-12-14 15:49:18 262

Bird lifespans vary from species to species, with different birds having unique life spans. Here are some typical bird lifespans:

Small birds: Many small birds (such as sparrows, barn swallows, etc.) usually live between 2 and 7 years, although some individuals may live longer.

Large birds: Some large birds, such as cranes, parrots, etc., can usually live to more than 20 years or even longer.

Long-lived birds: Some birds have astonishing lifespans, such as the tortoise pigeon (Galapagos tortoise), with some individuals said to be able to live for more than 100 years. Several other birds, such as pelicans and albatrosses, are also known for their longevity.

It should be noted that these lifespans are based on observations in the natural environment, not conditions in captivity. The lifespan of some birds may be extended under human protection and care.

Therefore, a bird's lifespan varies from species to species and is affected by many factors, including environment, food supply, habitat and whether it has been disturbed.

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