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Hirundapus giganteus

2022-12-19 11:55:03 140

Brown-backed needle-tailed swift, Latin name: Hirundapus giganteus, is a large and strong needle-tailed swift of the genus Hirundapus in the family Apodidae. There is one record in Hong Kong, China. Abroad, it is found in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Andaman Island, Philippines, and Southeast Asia. It is found in open areas or woodlands, up to 2000 meters high, and has the same habits as other needle-tailed swifts.

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There is one record in Hong Kong, China. Abroad, in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Andaman Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia.

Found in open areas or woodlands, up to 2000 meters high.
The large and robust needle-tailed swift has a black upper body and a brown upper back. There is a small white spot before the eye, the chin and upper throat are light in color, the chest is black, and the flanks to the bottom of the tail are white in a V shape. The iris is dark brown, the bill is black, and the feet are black.