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Lamprolaima rhami

2023-04-03 21:20:46 124

The red-throated hummingbird Lamprolaima rhami is a migratory bird of the Americas that spends most of its winter in Florida, Mexico, and Central America. During its migration, it can travel more than 1,400 kilometers across the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. During the spring migration, some hummingbirds can even fly 800 kilometers from Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula for at least 20 hours without rest, a journey that helps them reach Florida and Louisiana in the United States.


Like all hummingbirds, red-throated hummingbirds have small feet that are not suitable for perching or jumping from branch to branch. For this reason, red-throated hummingbirds use flight as their primary mode of movement. They are excellent trapezes, capable of hovering at a rate of up to 53 wingbeats per second. They can fly straight, up, down, backward or hover in place.

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Central America (located between North and South America, Including Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago and other countries and territories)
It breeds in summer throughout the eastern United States and Canada.
Male and female red-throated hummingbirds differ in appearance in several ways. Males are more colorful than females. Males have emerald green metallic feathers on their backs and metallic red feathers on their throats (this feather is called a "gorget"). Females are darker, with fewer green feathers on their backs and no red throat, and their throat and belly plumage are dark gray or white. Young red-throated hummingbirds of both sexes have plumage similar to that of adult females.
The red-throated hummingbird's flight feathers consist of 10 full-length primary feathers, 6 secondary feathers, and 10 straight feathers (the largest feather used for flight). Red-throated hummingbirds are small birds that weigh between 0.1 and 0.2 ounces and are between 2.8 and 3.5 inches long. Their wingspan is about 3.1 to 4.3 inches wide.