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Harpactes whiteheadi

2023-04-08 19:07:49 116

The species Harpactes whiteheadi (Whitehead's Trogon) is unknown


The gnawing cuckoo nests in tree cavities, using natural tree cavities, and some species build nests in decaying wood or by digging into ant or termite nests in trees (eating their eggs and not fearing their bites). Laying 2 to 5 eggs, oval, white or slightly tinted. Incubation period is 2 to 3 weeks. The chicks develop feathers 2 to 3.5 weeks after they emerge from the shell. Male and female brood together.

Listed in the International Red Book of Birds of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2009 list ver 3.1 - Low Risk (LC).

Protect wild animals and eliminate wild meat.

Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!

It is found in Borneo and Kalimantan.
The details are unknown.